marketing Tag

Starting a new year, it’s always a challenge to decide on whether you’ll see the glass as half-full or half-empty. This year, I choose to start half-full. My predictions start with my final word about Donald Trump for the rest of his presidency.  The political...

As another new year approaches, we ponder our predicaments, reflect on our actions and resolve to be better. Marketers working on a traditional calendar year schedule likely started these reflections back in April or earlier, launching their annual strategic planning processes to set goals and strategies,...

 “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou Why do you conduct marketing research? Is it to uncover insights? To drive data-driven, fact-based solutions? Both are good reasons,...

I try to stay away from politics when I write about marketing. The key words being, “I try.” Conventional wisdom would dictate that we avoid controversy in our marketing work, unless, of course, we are advocating on behalf of a candidate or cause. An article in...

Forget the art of the deal. The art of distraction is what our president does best. After yet another week that exposes his inability to govern, what else is there to do but start a new fake controversy? But Trump may have met his match...

McDonalds needs a psychiatrist. We’re beyond talk therapy here. There is some deep-seated personality disorder that seems to require some serious medication. The chain, under siege for selling low-quality, bad for you food, is using their brand to test a “futuristic, French-style McDonald’s” called “McCafe.” An...

First, Happy New Year to all! We at the Right Brain Studio are celebrating the new year with a new look. I hope that you’ll visit our refreshed website and let us know what you think! I, for one, am delighted to be back to work and...

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