Marketing Strategy


All of our engagements are rooted in branding expertise. Indeed, Right Brain Studio President and Founder, Jeff Hirsch, is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern California (USC), teaching courses in branding and integrated marketing.


We leverage our proprietary “Building Block Concepts” format to create a range of distinct positioning (or new product) alternatives for research. These put “stakes in the ground” for research participants, providing them with a starting point and a framework for discussion, providing a vocabulary for them to express what may be difficult to articulate, emotional feedback.


After workshopping Building Block Concepts in qualitative research, we generate a detailed Creative Brief as part of our recommendations. This includes brand values, positioning, personality and support points that will differentiate your brand in a proprietary, compelling, relevant way.


Our Creative Briefs are written in clear, easy to understand language and complemented with key visuals. They provide immutable strategic and creative direction for internal teams and outside agencies.



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