Futurism Workshops

What role will your business play in the world in five years or more?


Imagine the future with the cultural trailblazers of our Right Brain Studio Creative Panel and thought leaders from the worlds of industry and academia. Our one to two-day Creative Trends Workshops will open your minds, help you imagine the possibilities, and kickstart the planning that will keep you well ahead of the game.


Don’t miss out on the latest blogs, podcasts, insights and thought leadership. Subscribe now.


The Right Brain Studio Creative Panel is our proprietary network of storytellers, the novelists, screenwriters, actors, playwrights, directors, filmmakers, musicians and other creative minds who actively create our popular culture. We add accomplished professors and business experts to this mix to create a vision of the future and lay down the foundation on which you’ll thrive.


We combine in-depth discussions of current trends, metaphorical thinking and other creative exercises to identify what they world might look like in one, five or fifty years from now.


Sessions can be focused on the general (what will be the dominant social trends in the U.S. five years from now?) to the very specific (how will life change with driverless cars?).

Want to learn more? Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.

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